Sensor inercial giroscopio 3 eixos e acelerometro 3 eixos - RSH3001

Código: RSH3001 Marca:
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Sensor inercial giroscopio 3 eixos e acelerometro 3 eixos - RSH3001

Alternatico para Bosch BMI270 e STM LSM6DSO 



 RSH3001 is an inertial measurement unit, integrated with 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer. It provides high precision data of real-time angular velocity and linear acceleration, applying to consumer electronics application by virtue of small size and low power. RSH3001 is capable of excellent temperature stability and high resolution over the operating temperature range (‐40°C ~ 85°C). 


Gyro range of measurement (°/s):±125, ±250, ±500,±1000,±2000

Gyro sensitivity(LSB/°/sec):262,131,65.5,32.8,16.4

Accelerometer range of measurement(g): ±2,±4, ±8, ±16

Accelerometer sensitivity(LSB/g):  16384,8192,4096,2048 

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Infotech Comércio de Componentes Eletrônicos Ltda - CNPJ: 06.212.993/0001-41 © Todos os direitos reservados. 2024

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